What are CBD Honey Sticks? Everything You Need to Know

Ladies and gentlemen, forget avocados and chia seed, because we have a new superfood that is taking the wellness world by storm.

These CBD-infused honey sticks are what we’re referring to.

The modern approach to cannabis and honey, which are two ancient medicinal ingredients, has resulted in a product that is extremely rich in nutrients. It also adds another delicious way to get CBD into your body.

Ah, isn’t this world amazing?

Honey has been used for centuries because of its healing properties, ability to soothe burns and rid the body from harmful bacteria, as well as its ability to provide energy. CBD is also known for its remarkable anti-inflammatory, pain-killing, neuroprotective, and antioxidative properties.

These two can’t be mixed wrong.

We will be looking at CBD honey sticks in greater detail. What are they? What effects can you expect? Where to get them? And if they are better than CBD oil.

What are CBD Honey Sticks?

CBD honey sticks look exactly like the name suggests: CBD honey sticks are straws infused with CBD-infused honey. You can either eat straight from a straw or mix them with your favorite beverages to add powerful nutrients.

Because they look similar to drinking straw, they are sometimes called honey straws. CBD honey sticks are a mix of pure honey and hemp-derived CBD.

Full-spectrum CBD honey sticks contain trace amounts of THC (0.3% to less), terpenes and flavonoids.

CBD honey sticks can be purchased in either a liquid or solid form. The solid honey sticks feel and look like hard candy. You can either eat them or mix them in hot beverages. The liquid contains CBD honey in a straw.

CBD Honey Sticks and their Effects: What You Should Know

CBD honey sticks are very easy to carry around. You don’t need to fill your vape pen with E-liquid or use a dropper to relieve anxiety. You can simply open the CBD honey stick and enjoy the golden goodness.

CBD honey sticks are known for their health benefits.

  • Reduction in tumor cell growth
  • Mediation for psychotic behavior
  • Lower levels of anxiety
  • Stress management is easier
  • Regulation of sleep cycles
  • Neurodegenerative disorders delayed onset
  • You will feel less nausea

There are many vitamins and minerals in honey.

CBD honey sticks can be used to supplement your diet with more nutrients.

Which is better: CBD Honey Sticks, or CBD Oil?

The active ingredient in each product is the same, but they differ in their bioavailability and onset of effect, duration, efficacy, and efficacy.

You must consider your lifestyle when deciding between CBD honey sticks or CBD oil. This will determine your final decision.

Are you a busy individual looking for an easy and discreet way to consume CBD throughout the day?

CBD honey sticks might be a better choice for you daily driver.

Like I said, sucking on honey or adding honey to a drink is not a new thing. People are already drinking protein shakes at work so a honey straw in a cup will not be noticed if you serve it up in public. Honey sticks are premeasured to give you the exact amount of CBD that you need.

It’s quite different with CBD oil. This method of taking CBD oil requires that you use a dropper to place the oil under your tongue. It is not common for most people. CBD oil is best suited for those who live in a stationary environment or at-home.

CBD oil is superior to honey sticks when it comes down to efficacy. CBD oil has a bioavailability rate of around 35%. Oral products like honey sticks have a 20% bioavailability. Bioavailability refers to the amount of active compound that is absorbed into the bloodstream. Because oral products must be taken in first, their onset can take longer. Despite their lower potency, they provide more lasting effects.

It’s up to the consumer to choose which products best suit their lifestyles and whether they prefer convenience or dosage accuracy.

CBD Honey Sticks near me: Where can I buy this novel product?

CBD can come in many forms. The traditional CBD products, like CBD oils, capsules and vapes are available online and in-store. There are new CBD shops opening every month in the US.

CBD honey sticks are still a new product so local shops may not have updated their product selections to meet customer demand.

We recommend that you shop online for CBD honey sticks of high quality.

Online shopping for CBD allows you to access a wide range of products in different formulas and potencies. It doesn’t really matter if you are awake at 3am, exhausted from a long day, or if you suddenly realize that you haven’t replenished your health cupboard. You just need to open your browser and do some research. Congratulations!

This scenario is possible in your own backyard. It’s not hard to imagine.

The best thing about buying CBD online? It cuts out the middleman. This is evident in the product prices. Join reward programs to get discounts and coupon codes for your favorite products.

It’s also easier to compare products online and conduct research. It’s easy to read lab reports from third parties, connect with others on social media, and read reviews of products on niche blogs.

Gold Bee, a company that produces CBD honey sticks is a great name. However, they are also known for their commitment to quality ingredients and love for honey. They sell CBD oil with honey flavor and recently added broad-spectrum CBD honey straws to their product line. The broad-spectrum extract is free of THC and contains all non-psychoactive cannabinoids, terpenes and other components found in hemp. These honey sticks are made from honey from the Brazilian Rainforest. These two ingredients make the Gold Bee Sticks a great source of digestive health support and immunity boost.

How to Use CBD Honey Sticks

CBD honey sticks, like we said, are all about convenience. They deliver a quick boost of calm energy in an easy and fun way. These are becoming increasingly popular snacks to be enjoyed outdoors by health-conscious consumers who need to maintain a high level of energy and focus. It’s even better because honey has natural sugars.

CBD honey sticks can be used in a very simple way. Here’s how to use them:

  • Take one honey stick out of the package.
  • You can cut off one end of the tube.
  • You can sucking on the tube like you are sipping on a glass of wine with a straw.

You can also infuse the CBD honey sticks with any type of beverage, or spread it on a piece of bread for maximum indulgence.

A CBD honey stick can be enjoyed raw, which is the best thing about it.

When do CBD Honey Sticks start to work?

CBD honey sticks are an oral product, just like capsules or gummies. They must be processed in the stomach before they can enter the bloodstream. They have a delayed effect, meaning that the CBD honey sticks can take between 40 and 120 minutes for their first effects to kick in depending on how full you are, your metabolism, and whether or not you eat them.

How long does CBD honey stick?

Because CBD honey sticks kick in slowly, the CBD is gradually released into the bloodstream. Honey sticks can last up to 10 hours depending on how fast you burn it.

Dosage: How many CBD Honey Sticks should I take?

Dosing CBD honey sticks is like any other health supplement. Different people have different lifestyles and metabolic levels. Each person is different in terms of their sensitivity to cannabinoid receptors within the endocannabinoid systems. This also impacts how you respond to CBD.

CBD companies often provide dosage instructions that are specific to the amount of CBD they offer. It is a good idea to start with a low dosage (e.g. You should test it for one week at a low dose (e.g., 5-10mg). You can take 1/2 to 2 CBD honey sticks per day if your CBD honey sticks have about 10 CBD.

Experts recommend that first-time CBD users start with 1 to 6 mg of CBD per 10 pounds of body weight. These recommendations are based upon the experiences of CBD-using patients.

CBD Honey Sticks Side Effects

CBD and honey can both be taken safely and naturally without any side effects. CBD honey sticks have very few side effects, even when taken in normal dosages.

These side effects include:

  • Appetite changes
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth
  • Fatigue

Because CBD uses the same enzyme system as many prescription and OTC drugs, it can also cause liver problems in metabolizing active ingredients in medication.

Before adding CBD honey sticks into your daily routine, we recommend that you consult a physician.

Final Verdict: Can CBD Honey Sticks live up to their hype?

They do. Gummies were the most common type of CBD edibles up until now. We love gummy bears as much as you do, but they are not the most healthy product on the market. Honey sticks are a little different. Honey and hemp are both superfoods. Combining them gives you a delicious, healthy treat you can take with you wherever you go.

Gold Bee honey sticks are high quality and we highly recommend them. Do your research to find the best honey sticks. Always ensure that they use organic hemp and raw honey. Third-party lab reports are a must as they show that you receive exactly what you pay for.

Are you a fan of CBD honey sticks? Are you a fan? Comment below to let us know your thoughts!